Friday, November 15, 2013

Dow History Blog Posting Rules

Dow History Blog Posting Rules

Amin H. Karim MD Dow1977

1) Any Dow alumni can post on this blog. This can be done by preparing an email with photos and text the way you wish to appear on the blog, writing your name and year of graduation and sending it to Amin H. Karim MD email It will be published with credit being given to the writer and the owner of the photos if any. This blog is being started as a trial blog to see if we can put together all the information in one place and later make a permanent website. 

2) Please follow the rules to keep things uniform and smooth. 

3) The title of the post should be Dow Medical College followed by the year which is being discussed followed by the last name of the person posting. eg I have posted the first blog 
as Dow Medical College 1945 Karim. You can then add photos and descriptions and your own recollections etc. In this way the blogs will be arranged in a chronological fashion. 
Please write your name, year of graduation and email address under heading. If you wish you can add your photo. 

4) If the photo is your property please mention that; If you took it off someone else's blog or website, better to have their permission or atleast mention the source if you feel that this was a common photo or one scanned off one of the DMC magazines. 

5) Irrelevant blogs will be removed. No advertisements, announcements, electioneering, politics
or religion. Simply the history of Dow Medical College Karachi from its inception to present. 

6) Most interesting blogs will be describing your own experiences with the College and faculty. 
Please remember we are always respectful to our teachers, especially those who are no longer 
with us and cannot defend themselves. 

7) Other rules will be added as we go. This is a trial.  

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